Thursday, February 25, 2010

You Reap What You Sow

“…for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” - Galatians 6:7
Late last summer I finally purchased some live vegetation for our newlywed nest (I‘m not too big on fake flowers but I have seen some realistic ones at Hobby Lobby. I digress….). A beautiful , tropical-looking plant with broad, waxy leaves, perfect for brightening up our living room and adding some much needed oxygen to our home. After I set the plant in its new pot next to the fireplace, I figured I’d only have water it a couple of times a week. No biggie.

All was well in the beginning. The plant grew beautifully, even with my sporadic attention. But the demands of work, out of town travel, and plain laziness turned my once sporadic care completely non-existent. And as expected, the plant began to wither. I thought that maybe it needed some sun so I moved it outside. Then we had a tornado/hurricane/tsunami. What was left of the plant was a shriveled mess so my husband finally put it out of its misery and threw it away.

My brief horticultural experience got me thinking about how caring for a plant is so similar to marriage. Like the plant, if you neglect your marriage (not enough attention, affection, communication, etc.) your spouse will respond accordingly. And you can’t expect to “reap” something that you are not contributing yourself.

In Dr. Robin Smith’s book “Lies at the Altar”, she stresses that marriage is for mature adults who should be prepared to get out only as much as they are willing to put in to the relationship. So if all you do is nag and criticize your spouse, don’t be surprised if you receive the same treatment from your spouse in return.

So in my marriage, I try (emphasis on try) to make an effort at sowing positivity into our relationship. For instance, I make an effort to fix hubby’s fave dishes or stay up to discuss the day when he comes home late from class. These are small acts, but cumulatively I think they contribute to the overall health and longevity of our marriage.

And I really don’t want my marriage ending up like that plant!


  1. Awesome post! Thanks for the book recommendation as well. You guys have a great foundation in the Lord and you're focused on sowing good seeds, so you WILL reap a great harvest (i.e. a long, joyful, prosperous marriage)!

  2. A friend forwarded this blog to me and yes, you are so right - the plant analogy fits perfectly. We do reap what we sow, it does take two and things dont happen automatically. It takes work, work and...yes...more work. The wonderful thing is that we can easily see the benefits of the efforts we put in on a day to day basis, just those little things go a long way. Thank you for putting an interesting spin on the life of a new 'wifey".
